All images and information included in this site copyright @ Francisco Miranda unless otherwise mentioned. No reproduction in whole or part without written permission.
This site is built around a list of available plants that are grouped under different and specific pages. Navigation is made as simple and intuitive as possible, with the list pages available in a drop-down menu under this page (SHOP), in the left sidebar and in the page footing.
As for the naming of the species, we firmly believe that we should use the names that are well-known in the trade, regardless of the favorite name of the day. This way, when we list Cattleya species we have on these lists only what everyone knows as a Cattleya. The Brazilian Laelia, Sophronitis, and other genera are treated as such. The reason for this is that we should keep in mind that species are grouped and named differently according to different people (not just taxonomists) and established horticultural names make our lives much easier.
Here is a bit more info on how plants are grouped.
Cattleya - Selected
This is one of the pages where most of the list will be found. Plants of the genus Cattleya are here listed when they have been selectively bred in terms of shape and color forms, for example. This page is not just for Brazilian Cattleya species though, but also includes the Andean and Central American species. This kind of plant is what we try the most to bring from Brazil and breed here in the U.S.
Cattleya - Regular
This is the page where all regular plants of the species in the genus Cattleya are grouped. Even if they are selected in one form or the other, if they cannot be completely confirmed here is where they will land.
Laelia - Selected
This is another of the pages where most of the list will be found. Essentially the same as in Cattleya - Selected, but instead of the Brazilian cattleyas here we have the selected Brazilian laelias listed.
Laelia - Regular
The same as with the regular cattleyas, but here we list the Brazilian laelias. This page is where most of the rupicolous laelias, for example, are listed.
Here we include all hybrids, regardless of Brazilian or exotic genera and primary or complex. Makes sense to keep them all together, considering hybrids are really not our specialty. If at some point we add a lot of items to this page we can always separate them.
Other - Brazilian
Even though our specialty are Brazilian cattleyas and laelias, we also work with other Brazilian species groups and even other genera in the Cattleya alliance. So expect any Sophronitis, Encyclia, Leptotes, etc. to be found here.
Here we group all exotic species that are not cattleyas or laelias. We can think of species of Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and so on. Also other genera in the Cattleya alliance, as Schomburgkia, Encyclia, etc. as long as not Brazilian.
Other categories can be added in the future according to necessity.